New plans! New bloodlines! Outstanding dogos in pedigree!
This time we decided to use the best dogos we know (I say this like a breed expert) this is Gael and Chala. We guarantee that puppies have NO allergy, NO problems with health or mentality!
If you are interested in Dogo Argentino puppy please send me a letter blanco.solar@hotmail.com
We can ship a puppy to any country!
Gael Blanco Solar Tradicion de Argentina
Ch Blanco Solar Chala
Import Argentina
born 19.03.2011
father Fuego de Tradicion Argentina
mother Bruja de Tradicion Argentina
BAER +/+
born in our kennel 27.08.2008
BAER +/+ |
If you are seriously interested in a puppy from us please contact us blanco.solar@hotmail.com or +372 55 950 492 or via skype using nickname solarcordoba. We would like to communicate to our puppy-buyers as long as possible to find out your expectations and hopes for future dog. A puppy from us has FCI-EKU pedigree, he/she is BAER tested, dewormed, microchiped, living in family and used to normal life. Our dogs living with us as members of our family.

F-Litter (2012):
Father: Gael Blanco Solar Tradicion de Argentina, Mother: Perro Pelea Cordobes Zamba
E-Litter (01.09.2011):
Father: Jevil's Aria, Mother: Blanco Solar Chala
D-Litter (01.03.2010):
Father: Bombo Bonkras, Mother: Perro Pelea Cordobes Zamba
Father: Jacklafuria,
Mother: Perro Pelea Cordobes Zamba